Queen Bee
Artist: Marta Alonso Canillar
Location: 418 N Main St. on the north facing wall of Mayan Fusion
About The Artist
Marta moved to the United States from Spain when she was 21 and eventually found her way to Mendocino in 2001. Like many artists, she feels like her artistic journey is intrinsically tied to her journey in life. It’s a journey to find the courage to overcome all manner of insecurities and obstacles to be an artist. She found an inspiring mentor In 2014 when she took an oil painting class with Cynda Valley, a Willits artist at the time. She describes the experience as “uniquely heart and soul opening.” Cynda taught her the technicalities of oil painting but also encouraged her to look at her art as part of her self, and extension of her being, and to confidently experiment and explore. Marta clearly has a gift for drawing inspiration from the world, colors, shapes and patterns around herself. She is drawn to portraits, with a strong connection through the eyes, rural settings, farm animals, old barns, bees, hearts and peeling walls and rusty elements, dreams and made up realities. Her current area of unexplored curiosity is assemblage of oil portraits and sparkling encaustic relief.

Inspiration for this installation
One in ten pollinating insects is on the verge of extinction, and a third of our bee and butterfly species are declining. We want to raise awareness through the power of art and honor thees pollinators.
Did you know that Fort Bragg was the very first official Bee City USA in California? We couldn’t bee prouder.
If you’d like to know more about supporting pollinators and invertebrate conservation, I recommend you start by checking out Xerces Society.